Brisbane Qld Area Code

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Brisbane qld area code. Your country outgoing idd access code 61 7 12345678. The australian country code is 61. Postcodes for region queensland australia. Brisbane is the capital of and the most populous city in the australian state of queensland and the third most populous city in australia.
Brisbane market qld 4106 is 9 kms south southwest. Fixed line example calling canberra from interstate. The table below shows all the 19 area codes in australia. 02 local eight digit number.
While calling australia from abroad you need to dial the isd code followed by the area code and finally the phone number. Parts of regional victoria may use the 02 area code. When calling from outside australia leave out the leading 0 from the std area code or from the mobile telephone number. The brisbane central business district stands on the historic european settlement and is situated inside a peninsula of the brisbane river about 15 kilometres from its m.
Brisbane s metropolitan area has a population of over 2 5 million and the south east queensland metropolitan region centred on brisbane encompasses a population of more than 3 6 million. Australia area codes usually have 1 digits. The australian country code is 61. Similar named locations brisbane grove nsw 2580 is 873 kms south southwest.
Australia dial code information. People often find themselves bombarded with calls that soon reach a level that is disruptive and annoying. South brisbane bc is 2 kms southwest. Country dial and city area codes for australia dial code widgets for australia australia dial codes city dialing codes for australia au phone codes for australia.
Given below is the complete list of area codes in australia. South brisbane is 1 km southwest. The international dialing code calculator will show how to dial to australia queensland brisbane from any location in the world with local area codes trunk prefixes and international country codes. West end is 2 kms southwest.
So when calling australia from overseas a phone number is. Use our interactive map address lookup or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. The australian country code and queensland australia area code chart below gives you the necessary information for calling australian cities. Royal brisbane hospital is 2 kms north.
Whether it s about personal matters or scams you can easily use brisbane phone code to find out who has sought to contact you.